「蚊」の続き - A Sequel to the "Mosquito Bites" -

( There is English version after Japanese one. )


さて… その後、今日もまた、15分ほどの間に3箇所も蚊に刺されました!
そして私は… 蚊を、怖がり始めています…










Well... after that, today, I got 3 mosquito bites again only for 15 minutes!
And now... I come to be scared of mosquitos...

Even though I've overcome lots of mosquito bites, I can't think that I can handle them again. On the contrary, I'm afraid of them and I don't want to get mosquito bites anymore!

It's really strange. I hadn't bitten by them so much before. Of course I got them mildly, but not so many.

Has something in my body changed? Does this have any meaning or warning to me? I started to think about the meaning of these sequential bites.
Am I thinking too much? Are they just normal happening?


Do you feel like giving any meaning to what happens to you? Or do you just accept and just response the happening spontaneously?


I tend to give some meaning to what happens to me especially when it's kind of bad happening, I want to give some good or informational meaning to them.


How about you?