ヨガスタジオを選ぶ - Choosing a yoga studio -

( There is English version after Japanese one. )



















I came back to Japan from the US three months ago. I found a wonderful yoga studio in the US, so I really miss the lessons there. 

Now I'm trying to find a good yoga studio near here in Japan. 

However, I've been taking long time to try one. I think that I should or can at least try one lesson in some studio. But I don't feel like going to any studios which I found on the internet. I don't know why, though. I really want to go to a studio and do yoga! But I make excuses like, "This studio is far from the station," "This one is very far from home," "This lesson is kind of expensive," "This studio's schedule doesn't match my schedule. (Since I have two kids and little one is still in a kindergarten, so he comes home early.)"

Yes, I can do yoga at home, but you know, doing yoga at home is different from doing it at a studio. 

I know I also feel like making yoga a part of daily life. That means I want to integrate yoga practice into my daily life. So ideally, it's good that I do yoga at home as deeply as doing it at a studio.

Now I have one studio in my mind which I'm interested in. But it's my kids' summer break right now so I don't have any time for myself. I have to wait till the summer break is over. And I don't know if I will still feel like going to this studio or not when the summer break is over.


Well, there might be too many options around here....